Especialización en Informática y Multimedia en Educación
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- ÍtemEstrategia didáctica mediada por las TIC para fortalecer el proceso de aprendizaje del vocabulario en inglés, grado 7⁰, Institución Educativa Indígena N⁰ 4 Maicao, La Guajira.(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Pertuz Vargas, Hernán Darío; Aguilar moreno, Erika Ivonne; Salas Mosquera, Carlos Andrés; Chicangana López, ArmandoThis research project has as main foundation on the teaching and learning processes of the students in an intercultural context, where the main strategy will be implemented for the acquisition of vocabulary in the area of English in the 7th grade students of Institucion Educativa Indigena Numero 4 sede Majayutpana in Maicao, La Guajira; so that the knowledge of each of them and the transfer of words from the area from the Western bases of knowledge and worldview of each of the individual cultures that surround them are evidenced. Based on the above, it is intended to harmonize the teaching processes in our 7th grade students; so that they can enrich their learning and the linguistic richness of the area every day; so that they can improve and contribute to the imminent future of their lives and professional projects. For this, it is more than necessary to emphasize the knowledge that intercultural education is part of the discourse that is committed to the recognition of sociocultural diversity in all areas and has even been the subject of discussion and pedagogical reflection of different disciplines of the social sciences to be a topic of interest both in discourses produced from pedagogy.
- ÍtemImplementación del modelo geométrico Van Hieele mediante el uso de las tic en los estudiantes de grado sexto de educación básica de la institución educativa san pedro del municipio de Caparrapí Cundinamarca(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Morales Gaona, Viviana; Gomez Garcia, Ana Marleny; Betancur Rojas, Claudia AndreaStarting from the analysis of the results of external tests such as the Know that advances the Colombian institute for the evaluation of education ICFES, where a low performance in the performances of the sixth grade students of the IED SAN PEDRO of the municipality of Caparrapi specifically in the area of mathematics, more specifically in reference to the geometric component; That's why I know makes it necessary to establish initiatives such as the present project that seeks implement the Van Hieele geometric model establishing an approach pedagogical with the constructivist model where logical thinking - geometric-spatial is reflected in the exhibition of their knowledge; using ICT through a virtual classroom which will allow the use of this didactic resource to reinforce learning. It is important to highlight that the more knowledge one has, the more autonomy exists and more capacity to develop, (Not in all cases since knowledge is assess through mental processes, understanding, planning and skills metacognicas) that make the individual, nourish himself with knowledge to face his life, his day to day, since he will be able to make decisions and reflect on his own media. Surely it is something completely impossible to know everything, it is utopian. Being able to know or obtain knowledge is an important tool, because allows us to be able to communicate with the world, without staying with the vision of bubble around us
- ÍtemEl aula virtual “si me quiero, me respeto” como estrategia para fortalecer el valor del respeto para mejorar la convivencia escolar en los estudiantes de grado quinto de la escuela rural boca de monte del municipio de Caparrapí .(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Bejarano Bermudez, Nidya Zulay; Castañeda Quintana, Berenice; Marroquin Beltran, Sandra Milena; Olaya Cordoba, Rosmira; Betancur Rojas, Claudia AndreaThis project is a pedagogical proposal developed through the classroom virtual “if I love myself, I respect myself” as a strategy to strengthen the value of respect and improve school coexistence in fifth grade students of the Boca de Monte rural school in the municipality of Caparrapí. Since they are presented to daily conflicts between colleagues, this situation is due to the mishandling of the established habits and norms that hinder coexistence in the school classroom and the socio-affective development of the students, in the family, school and Social. It is vitally important to implement strategies that motivate learners to adopt rules that allow them a harmonious coexistence, based on the value of respect as a fundamental principle in integral development. involving ICT tools, in order to strengthen knowledge in them and acquire skills in its management, through the creation of the virtual classroom were developed workshops allowing the student to contribute ideas, correctly manage the technological space and that from it was formed, acquiring new habits strengthening the value of respect. The impact of the project is positive since it contributes to coexistence giving justification for the new requirements of Law 1620 of 2013, as a basis essential to the value of respect and likewise acquire significant learning against to the topics covered and their applicability.
- ÍtemCazas del tesoro sobre respiración en plantas y animales, como estrategia didáctica en grado octavo, institución educativa José María Obando de corinto cauca(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Arce Vivas, Yudi Esneda; Clavijo Alonso, YolandaDeepening work that uses as a research method, the research - action, with a descriptive and exploratory purpose. arisen, at find during the exercise of teaching practice an attitude of apathy and reluctance by students in general towards learning science natural, the diagnosis made evidenced the desire of the students to use innovative ICT-based learning tools, implementing a proposal entitled: Learning with Treasure Hunts, based on the development of two activities based on the application of two activities based on guided research in the network as a strategy didactics known as Treasure Hunt, on the subjects of breathing in plants and animals, through a weblog designed for this purpose, with students eighth grade I.E. José María Obando, from the municipality of Corinto - Cauca. The activities carried out allowed the assimilation by the students of basic concepts in relation to the subject of breathing in the living beings, along with the application of basic skills in the use of ICT, motivating them positively towards learning Natural Sciences.
- ÍtemIncidencia de la carencia socio afectiva en los adolescentes expuestos a las redes sociales(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Bastidas Montenegro, Sandra Milena; Clavijo Alonso, YolandaPlanning using ICT, encourages creative development in students and allows the teacher to have the opportunity to systematize the activities, purposes and goals. The teacher, as a receptive counselor to the interests of the students, can encourage teens to imagine, change, modify, and create something new, according to their cognitive and emotional needs. Under the influence of constructivist theory, applied in the educational process, it is possible to look for infinite resources to generate a propitious environment and a pleasant, effective and affective learning, generating positive changes in the learning outcomes and attitudes of adolescents. The student needs to learn to solve problems, to critically analyze the reality, and to transform it. It also requires identifying concepts, learning to do, learn to be and discover knowledge in a pleasant way, interesting, motivating and fearless. The use of ICTs allows the achievement of these objectives, because through them the processes of teaching and learning. Likewise, by making intelligent use of them, unsuspected levels of motivation are achieved on the part of the students, which contributes to reducing school desertion, and to try to resolve family and emotional problems, with the help of a virtual educational community focused on promoting the well-being of adolescents vulnerable, using various strategies for dialogue and interaction. This is especially true, bearing in mind that through the Web not only can spark creativity and enthusiasm for learning, but also generate spaces for encounter, express feelings, and create bonds of understanding and support