Especialización en el Arte en los Procesos de Aprendizaje

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  • Ítem
    El teatro como estrategia para fortalecer la expresión oral.
    (2023-09-14) Bolaños Hurtado, Marta Carolina; Chicangana López, Armando
    EL teatro como estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento de la oralidad es un proyecto de investigación de corte cualitativo que presenta la realidad escolar respecto al uso de la expresión oral en situaciones comunicativas; para poder expresar sus ideas en general todas sus necesidades de una manera más eficaz; fue necesario comprender la importancia que tiene el teatro, como estrategia pedagógica que ayudara a los estudiantes a mejor su expresión oral. El proceso investigativo obedece al direccionamiento del enfoque cualitativo y vivencialista, aplicando metodología Acción participativa donde se parte de una problemática, identificado y se reflexiona entorno a una problemática, con relación a los objetivos propuestos ,permitiendo observar las diversas realidades atraves de la investigación se construye y se interpreta en cada una de la fases. Al realizar la fase del diagnóstico pudimos evidenciar las fortalezas y debilidades en relación la expresión oral, especialmente, en los aspectos de pobreza léxica, vocalización incorrecta y expresión de sentimientos e ideas. Lo anterior mostró la necesidad de fortalecer este proceso en los estudiantes por medio de la implementación de actividades pedagógicas enfocadas en mitigar las debilidades más críticas de los estudiantes. Durante el análisis de las fases de la investigación, se pudo afirmar el teatro como mediador para mejoramiento de la expresión oral, permitiendo superar algunas debilidades de los niños y niñas Durante el análisis se puedo afirmar el teatro ha contribuido al mejoramiento de la expresión oral, permitiendo así superar algunas debilidades presentadas en la fase diagnóstica de la investigación; permitiendo reflexionar sobre la importancia de la expresión oral, en las prácticas de los docentes desde todas las áreas del saber, y la necesidad de trabajar actividades encaminadas a fortalecer la expresión oral, finalmente concluimos que la expresión oral se puede fortalecer si se buscan estrategias que se enmarquen en los gustos e interés de los estudiantes.
  • Ítem
    El Arte de Emocionar a los Niños de Preescolar de la Institución San Luis de Yarumal a Través de Estrategias Artísticas y Pedagógicas
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Gómez Chavarría, Gloria Patricia; Toncon Leal, Jesica Lorena; Chicangana López, Armando
    The proposal aims to strengthen the identification, recognition and management of emotions and intrapersonal relationships, where the actions that allow to address and deepen the detected problem are exposed, seeking from the implementation of art as a pedagogical strategy to promote and enhance the emotions of children in the classroom, in addition to allowing the development of emotional intelligence. This was achieved through data collection by means of action research, thus exposing the need to improve and strengthen emotional education in preschool. Therefore, the problem question arises: What artistic strategies can be implemented with preschoolers to strengthen emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships? The aim is to generate strategies and methodologies that provide the child with activities where he identifies that emotions are manifested in different ways, which greatly influences the way they are transmitted so that others interpret them appropriately. It can be concluded that thanks to the analysis and follow-up of the results obtained through the instruments used during the intervention, it was possible to have a better clarity on the contextualization of the environment of the population under study, which generated an assertive action on the needs and interests of the children. The intervention took on great significance since it is favoring the integral development of the children by fostering emotional intelligence and improving intrapersonal relationships among themselves.
  • Ítem
    Expresión artística a través de la lectura y escritura en los estudiantes de tercer grado de la I.E.R Pavarandó Grande
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Hurtado Serna, Lenis Yohana; Chicangana López, Armando
    This educational intervention project aims to apply innovative pedagogical strategies in order to reading comprehension through artistic processes in third grade students of the I.E.R. Pavarandó Grande in the municipality of Mutata. Pavarandó Grande in the municipality of Mutata. From a qualitative approach that allows us to have real and truthful results during the and truthful results during the execution phase. After having a pedagogical diagnosis by means of observation and evaluation and assessment processes in the classroom where it is intended to execute the classroom where the project is to be implemented, it was possible to detect learning difficulties in reading comprehension and text production. reading comprehension and text production. Based on the above, it is resolved to implement the educational intervention project "Artistic expression through reading and writing through reading and writing", through the application of innovative strategies based on art, which is one of the pedagogical means that contribute to the one of the pedagogical means that contribute to the motivation of learning based on the interests of the students who, by means of through their experiences, sensations and experiences can internalize or externalize the processes of reading and writing. reading and writing processes. Finally, with this intervention project, we intend to improve the educational level and to promote enriched reading spaces through artistic expression, based on socioemotional development, technological tools and the situational environment where students develop.
  • Ítem
    El arte como estrategia para abordar la sexualidad en secundaria
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Vargas Anacona, Gina del Carmen; Chicangana López, Armando
    The present proposal assumed as a problem the non-existence of Sexual Education in 10th grade students of the Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior Los Andes, in this sense, it was proposed to design and implement a proposal of Sexual Education for 10th grade students that has as pedagogical support the plastic arts and as methodology the action research. The reasons that gave rise to this educational intervention project are several and all in favor of the integral development of the students; the first is the conviction that it is necessary to work from the classroom on sexual education issues with adolescents, with whom we have not only an academic but also a social and moral commitment, in order to provide them with safe scenarios, where they can address issues of their interest and that in many cases are taboo in their families. taboo in their families or environments. The second reason is to provide spaces for participation where students have opportunities that allow them to develop their perceptive, critical, creative and communication skills, to learn to exercise their rights freely and autonomously, to value, care for and respect their own bodies and their environment. The third reason is to enable the construction of the students' life project, sensitizing them to the understanding that pregnancy at an early age is one of the main barriers to the harmonious development of their lives, considering that this involves other aspects, from the social, cultural and economic aspects, hindering their life project and the achievement of their goals
  • Ítem
    El Arte de Emocionar a los Niños de Preescolar de la Institución San Luis de Yarumal a Través de Estrategias Artísticas y Pedagógicas
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Gómez, Gloria, Jesica Toncon; Chicangana, Armando
    This proposal is focused on the development of primary emotions in preschool children at the Epifanio Mejía headquarters, considering it as the most frank and direct manifestation they can have to express their feelings about what surrounds them and respond to what they feel. . From there, the question arises: What artistic strategies can be implemented with preschool children that strengthen the identification, recognition and management of their emotions? And from this arises the general objective, favoring in one way or another the development of emotional and social intelligence in children. Consequently, the specific objectives that identified the factors that induce boys and girls to take violent actions were effectively executed. Artistic workshops were designed that allowed the expression and control of emotions. A documentary review was carried out through a state of the art, taking as references international, national and local authors, who use the arts as the main means to work on emotions in the preschool grade. Likewise, it was determined that the most appropriate inquiry for this work was qualitative, descriptive research, applied to educational contexts, presenting itself as an opportunity to strengthen collective learning, where participants investigated their own reality, interpreted the causes of their problems and generated action plans. The proposal was structured in six chapters: 1. the problem is stated, 2. the objectives, 3. the referential framework, 4. the methodological design, 5. the results and discussion, 6. the conclusions reached by this proposal. educative intervention