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  • Ítem
    Control y manejo de los equipos calibrables del almacén de herramientas.
    (2023-12-12) Espitia Chaparro, Viviana Andrea; Zarate Riveros, Melissa; Rincón Romero, Rosa Inés
    En una empresa del sector aeronáutico,se seleccionó el almacén de herramientas para ejecutar un proyecto enfocado en la gestión de activos, esta gestión hace referencia al proceso de administrar los activos calibrables de esta organización de manera eficiente y efectiva, con el propósito de maximizar el valor y minimizar los riesgos asociados, involucrando la planificación, adquisición, calibración, mantenimiento, seguimiento y disposición de los activos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. Durante la ejecución del proyecto se logró implementar un mejoramiento en el sistema de gestión de activos para los equipos calibrables; las herramientas o equipos calibrables son aquellos dispositivos, instrumentos o equipos utilizados en diversos campos, como la industria, la investigación, la medicina o como para este caso la aviación, que deben someterse a un proceso de calibración regular para asegurar que proporcionen mediciones o resultados precisos y confiables. La calibración es un procedimiento mediante el cual se ajusta o verifica la precisión de una herramienta en comparación con un estándar conocido de referencia, lo que es fundamental para mantener la calidad y la integridad de los datos o productos en los que se utilizan, por tal motivo estas herramientas son esenciales en industrias donde la precisión y la exactitud son críticos.
  • Ítem
    Guía de implementación de gestión de activos basado En ISO 55001 para el hospital nuestra señora del tránsito de Tocancipá (IPS Care & Health)
    (2023-04-12) Moncada Tijaro, Sandra Viviana; Guzmán Villamarin, John Fredy; Tesillo Albino, Daniel Enrique
    In this document, the relevant information for the establishment of the asset management implementation guide based on ISO 55001 for the Tocancipá hospital will be completed, which contemplates the identification of the maturity status of the IPS CARE & HEALT, policies, procedures and current interactions associated with current asset management. Based on these identifications, a work structure is established, and guidelines are defined to consider that allow IPS CARE & HEALT to adopt within its policies, processes, and procedures to establish improvement plans aimed at the entire organization with the aim of being able to implement the ISO 55001 asset management model, aligning all its processes to this standard. Additionally, within the development of this guide, additional recommendations are given to consider improving constructive collaboration processes, align its vision and mission within the scope of the organization.
  • Ítem
    Modelo de gestión de activos para la instalación de equipos aplicados al sistema de transporte de la empresa PROTISA - Colombia
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Rodriguez Pachón, Johan Sebastián; Osorio Barrientos, Jorge Guido; Rincón Romero, Rosa Inés
    This project exposes an Asset Management Model for the installation of equipment applied to the transportation system of the company Protisa Colombia. This requirement is one of the most critical for the fulfillment of the company's mission. The development of the proposal is approached from the collection, processing and analysis of a significant volume of information obtained from the responsible area (internal supplier) as well as from each of the areas directly involved in the need to transport the products. The asset management model proposal includes the redesign of a model team such as product transportation, this means at a strategic, organizational, and operational level. Under the redesign of the above, the structure of the asset management model is designed as such, where the execution, evaluation and control phase intervenes in this section. Here it is defined how the supply chain of the transport service should be executed from the moment the need for the service arises until the final process. Finally, an implementation proposal is presented that comprehensively includes each of the activities and resources necessary for the successful development and launch of the proposal.
  • Ítem
    Diseño metodológico para la implementación de un sistema de gestión de activos en la cámara de comercio de Bogotá
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Yáñez Llach, Carlos Alberto; Ramírez, Jorge Andrés; Rincon Romero, Rosa Inés
    The implementation of the ISO 55001 standard contributes to the advancement and strengthening of an integrated vision of the processes, as well as favors more accurate decision-making at all levels of the organization; Leveraging operational excellence and teamwork, keys to achieving business strategies and objectives. It is necessary to advance in the implementation of new control methodologies, planning and execution of maintenance activities and asset management, in order to ensure the management processes in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. With the objective of increasing the strategic value of maintenance processes and encouraging good business practices within the CCB, in order to establish the stages in the development of the documentation and identification of the steps for the development of the guide for the asset management in an organization, presenting a performance-oriented investigative strategy and optimization of best business practices. The need arises to create a guide that serves as a basis for the implementation of an asset management system in the CCB.
  • Ítem
    Propuesta para la implementación de un proceso de recambio o mantenimiento mayor a los equipos montacargas eléctricos de la empresa Automontacargas Gilcar
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Curtidor Cruz, Andrés Fernando; Estupiñan Hidalgo, Wilmer Smith; Florez León, Javier Alejandro
    The asset management system is responsible for aligning the areas of the organization in accordance with the objectives, processes and activities of the business, initially the concept was conceived as the activities carried out by the technical team when the interventions of the machines were carried out, however, this definition expanded the field of application to various areas of the organization. This research project arises from the need of the company Automontacargas Gilcar SAS, which consists of identifying the current state of the organization in the face of these new trends, Likewise, define the strategies that will allow you to carry out a management according to the requirements of your clients in the face of the need to change equipment or general repair (overhaul) to provide a better service. Thus, this document presents an analysis and synthesis of the results found from the methodological techniques applied to start developing decision-making starting with the documentary review of the teams' resumes and in this way give a first step focused on the possible future application of an asset management system that covers all the processes of the organization.