Especialización en Sistemas de Aeronaves No Tripuladas

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  • Ítem
    El uso de drones en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate en Colombia: una revisión sistemática.
    (2023-12-28) Moreno Martínez, Edwin Yezid; Rodríguez Barón, Iván Felipe
    En el contexto de Colombia, un país con diversas zonas geográficas y una historia marcada por desastres naturales y situaciones de emergencia, surge la necesidad de desarrollar un modelo general para la utilización efectiva de drones de voluntarios civiles en operaciones de búsqueda para el posterior rescate. A pesar de los avances tecnológicos, la implementación de drones en estas tareas de búsqueda, no se encuentra un modelo definido para la planeación de estas operaciones. La falta de un enfoque estratégico que integre tanto las particularidades de la emergencia, geográficas y climáticas como las capacidades de los diferentes drones comerciales, dificulta la oportunidad de utilizar estos importantes recursos y sus beneficios en situaciones críticas y de contar con la valiosa ayuda y apoyo de pilotos de dron voluntarios que están dispuestos a colaborar en la situación. Además se evidencia carencia de protocolos y directrices claras para la operación coordinada de drones en un entorno de búsqueda y rescate donde se pretende organizar la colaboración voluntaria de los pilotos con sus aeronaves no tripuladas. Por lo anterior, este artículo busca abordar esta problemática en una primera instancia mediante la búsqueda de la teoría existente en diferentes fuentes a partir de una revisión sistemática exploratoria. La identificación de los documentos se realizó a través de la consulta en bases de datos académicas. Se recuperaron un total de 185 referencias y se incluyeron libros o capítulos de libros e investigaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas. Fueron seleccionados para su revisión a texto completo un total de 18 artículos. Los principales resultados dan cuenta de la poca información desarrollada sobre el tema especialmente en Colombia y brindan un campo amplio de trabajo a futuro en relación al tema; como complemento a los resultados de dicha revisión, se propone una primera versión de un modelo básico para organizar las operaciones de rescate en Colombia.
  • Ítem
    Análisis de las rutas aéreas KOPTER de la ciudad de Bogotá – Colombia, para su uso en la implementación del Drone Delivery de insumos médicos
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Cano Bernal, Sebastian Felipe; Campos Montealegre, Davison Alexander; Rodríguez Barón, Iván Felipe
    Technology in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) has allowed us to have a greater perspective regarding the usefulness of airspace for industries or commerce in general. The current vision of the UAS mainly focuses its efforts on urban and regional passenger transportation; However, its usefulness as a means of logistical transportation for the transportation of goods is a utility that is still in the research and development stages in first world countries with the investment of large companies such as Amazon or UPS. Nowadays, in 2023, through some UAS, tests are being carried out to transport merchandise in general, with the only limitations being the load capacity of the aircraft or the flight autonomy that the system may have. Among the things that can be transported in a UAS are medical supplies or human tissues for transplants, which, in underdeveloped countries that lack hospital and road infrastructure, must travel long distances to their destinations. In Colombia, due to the little infrastructure, adapted to the needs of 2023, the use of airspace will be important for the transport of special handling goods, such as human tissues since these require special care and processing times. very careful delivery because the life of a human being could depend on this. This article will discuss the use of airways previously designed for the use of helicopters. Which, establishing certain limits in their operation, such as the flight altitude and their safety zones towards their surrounding spaces and additionally with the support of aeronautical and local regulations, which allow the implementation of the Drone Delivery method for use in medical applications, reducing vital delivery times in health systems but also benefiting the environment with the use of renewable energies such as electrical energy, promoting its movement.
  • Ítem
    Aeronaves no tripuladas como herramienta para el análisis de áreas no preparadas de aterrizaje en operaciones helicoportadas
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Fuentes Mojica, Gerardo Alcides; Rodriguez Barón, Iván Felipe
    Air operations of helicopters in unprepared areas are a constant in the hydrocarbon environment, due to the remoteness of facilities and the challenging access to infrastructure caused by the difficult Colombian geography and its limited access routes. The lack of suitable heliport services in these areas forces a constant reliance on the use of unprepared areas to carry out aerial operations for the movement of personnel and cargo in helicopters, which are vital for supplying and maintaining the infrastructure related to the hydrocarbon industry. An additional factor in these high-risk operations is the limited time available to conduct a proper analysis of the terrain and various obstacles. This is why it is necessary for the planning team to present this information in a clear, objective, and precise manner to contribute to the decision-making of the crews. This allows for a precise assessment of the risks associated with operations in unprepared areas; otherwise, there would be inadequate management, resulting in uninformed decisions and a lack of appropriate safety and prevention measures that could lead to an accident. The proposed solution to address the challenge of helicopter air operations in unprepared areas lies in the strategic implementation of drone technology as the main tool for taking measures and identifying obstacles. This involves employing various image processing techniques such as photogrammetry and structure inspection. The product obtained will be presented to the crews and personnel involved in the operation briefing to enhance aviation safety.
  • Ítem
    Proceso de implementación de técnica de visualización Shlieren tipo Z para el análisis de interferencia de hélice en ALA UAV VTOL
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Gómez Useda, John Alberto; Rodríguez Barón, Iván Felipe
    This research presents an analysis of the implementation of the Schlieren visualization technique in wind tunnel, where the wing of an unmanned vertical take-off and landing aircraft and horizontal advance "vertical take off landing VTOL" is analyzed, initially performing a theoretical analysis calculation of the resistance generated by the vertical lift propellers and then performing a wind tunnel assembly of the Schlieren visualization technique type Z, where in order to observe the detachment of the boundary layer or the wakes generated on the top surface of the wing by means of photographs. Taking into account that the operation of unmanned aircrafts does not overcome the sound barrier and this subsonic flow when in contact with elements in front of the wing, besides generating drag when advancing, can generate vorticity, which can present air circulation bubbles that can at some point detach the boundary layer and consequently present uncalculated losses of lift in the wing. With the visualization technique we want to know how this interference occurs when the air passes through the propeller of a VTOL system.
  • Ítem
    Control de vuelo estacionario de un dron cautivo con estación de energía híbrida
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Velásquez Bran, Juan David; Rodríguez Barón, Iván Felipe
    Despite the growing popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in areas such as inspection, agriculture and surveillance, their autonomy is often limited by power constraints. An emerging solution is the captive drone or tUAV, which receives power and data from a ground source via a cable. This approach not only solves the energy challenge, but also offers opportunities in monitoring and control. This study presents a drone specifically designed to fly stably in challenging conditions, using advanced control algorithms and a ground station that supplies continuous power, thus extending its flight autonomy. The proposed methodology presents an iterative and structured approach for the development and optimization of drones and ground stations. The process starts with a literature review and requirements definition, followed by a prototyping phase that includes drone design, development of control algorithms and construction of a ground station prototype. Tests and evaluations are conducted under various conditions to assess the performance, energy efficiency and adaptability of the drone. Based on the results, an optimization and refinement phase are carried out to improve all systems. Finally, the entire process, findings and results are documented and presented. This methodology ensures a systematic and evidence-based development, allowing for adaptations and improvements based on emerging challenges and needs.