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- ÍtemPeriodismo histórico y narrativa transmedia como herramientas para fortalecer el sentido de pertenencia de los habitantes del municipio de Villavicencio (Meta)(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Molano Téllez, Andrés; Palencia, César AugustoThe present research-creation work aimed to analyze the construction of cultural identities in Villavicencio (Colombia) and the connections between transmedia narrative and historical journalism as tools to strengthen the sense of belonging among the inhabitants of the territory. In this regard, several key moments influencing the transformation of identities were identified, alongside the media and preferred formats by audiences for consuming historical information of the city. Moreover, an exploration of the degree of attachment among its inhabitants and how journalism, through memory preservation, can contribute to enhancing emotional ties with the city was conducted. This was accomplished by triangulating communication, technological mediations, and the cultural, creative, and content industry, all aligned with the objectives of the Master's in Creative Communication at the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. In this manner, the website www.historiadisuelta.co was designed, and the transmedia report Traces of a Printing Press was produced. While rooted in an anecdotal event, such as the arrival of the printing press in the city, these findings were leveraged to expand the social, cultural, and historical contexts. This expansion not only shed light on the beginnings of historical journalism in the city but also underscored the influence of the Montfortian fathers in shaping identity during a pivotal moment in local history.
- ÍtemComunicación creativa aplicada a la estrategia de marketing digital en evento académico de reconocimiento al trabajo periodístico universitario en Colombia(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Sanabria Niño, Alexander; Palacios Chavarro, Janneth Arley; Pachajoa Londoño, AlejandroThe purpose of this work was to design a digital marketing strategy for an academic event that seeks to recognize university journalistic work in Colombia. This scenario, in turn, is proposed as a space to highlight the work carried out by students of communication careers with an emphasis on undergraduate and postgraduate journalism and motivate them to journalistic creation in digital environments with quality, innovation, and professionalism.
- ÍtemUn análisis del impacto social y cultural del Festival Internacional de Cortos Universitarios, Cinestesia Fest.(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Vergara Ángel, Cristina; Hernández Perilla, Jorge MarioEn este estudio se analiza el impacto social y cultural del Festival Internacional de Cortos Universitarios, Cinestesia Fest. Asimismo, se examinan aspectos como caracterización del festival, perfiles demográficos de los asistentes y factores asociados con la representatividad cultural, estrategias de comunicación, sentido de pertenencia, inclusión social e importancia cultural en el circuito de la industria cinematográfica y audiovisual en un ámbito local e internacional, entre otros; se analiza el aporte de las estrategias de creación artística y cultural del Cinestesia Fest en sus diferentes actividades y muestras desarrolladas a lo largo de sus cuatro versiones.
- ÍtemHestiadas - Representación social de la mujer adulta soltera sin hijos en la cultura colombiana, en relación con el arquetipo femenino de la bruja, en perspectiva de la escritura creativa(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Cano Giraldo, Maria Andrea; Zacipa Infante, Íngrid; Valero Pacheco, Claudia PatriciaIn the state of the matter, a search was carried out in different databases of academic articles, as well as five university repositories: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Pontificia Bolivariana, Antioquia, La Sabana and La Nacional, for which the equation of search woman + archetype, woman + witch. After having carried out the search in this way, twenty-six projects were found from 2010 to 2021, of which eight were those that were most related to the subject of this project and were taken into account. In the analysis found from the table of the reviewed projects (see Table 1 in the annexes), it was observed that there are works in which their research problem refers to the creation of a new female character that generates a rupture in the structures archetypal social networks to generate new, inclusive and diverse narrative ways (Los Santos, Stiegwardt, 2021). The archetype of the witch is one of those that is studied, to look at women, through it, and from a song, where it is questioned if the witch is a ruthless sorceress, the woman who lives alone, the disobedient wife , among others, or, on the contrary, she is a leading, respected, wise woman (Godínez, 2020). Likewise, the compression of archetypes has been used as a marketing and brand management tool, at the service of the Colombian fashion industry (Ceballos, 2014). Or to question whether there is identity between the narratives with the Greek mythical stories and the advertising of perfumes (Fernández P., 2010). They have also been analyzed to characterize the sexual difference in two of Plato's dialogues, and to show how in them, the images of the feminine and the masculine are shown and related (Almandós, 2021). The fatal girl, the combination of tenderness and innocence and the representation of the manipulative and dangerous woman, was the archetype chosen to analyze the literary work Lolita (Orozco, 2015)
- ÍtemJANO, Narrativas transmediales aplicadas a la comunicación organizacional(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Sichacá Beltrán, Karen Julieth; Bohórquez, RicardoCommunication is the innate action that people have to transmit and receive information, allowing the interpretation of messages about an established idea. One of the characteristics of productive organizations is that they have different communication systems, which are divided between internal and external, the focus of this research being internal communication. In the present work, the different methods and weaknesses of Nestlé Purina PetCare's internal communication were analyzed. Together with the analysis carried out, certain weaknesses were identified in the communication process, with the communication channels and the scope of the area being one of the factors that present the most failures within the process. In accordance with the above, the field of work was determined, which revolved around improving the internal communication processes of the company. However, according to the aforementioned weaknesses, it was identified that improving this from known strategies, perhaps would not have the expected impact. That is why, to develop the research, it was proposed to implement a creative communication system based on transmedia narratives that, in contemporary times, allow the messages to be disseminated in an attractive way to people. Once this decision was made, the current state of the company was analyzed, how internal communication worked, and based on this, a creative communication strategy inspired by transmedia narrative and multimedia connection systems was designed. Once the strategy was implemented, the planned activities were executed and the post-execution measurements were made.