Especialización Recreación Ecológica

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  • Ítem
    La lúdica y la recreación, como estrategias pedagógicas para mejorar el proceso de convivencia en las estudiantes del grado 4° de la institución educativa Santa Teresita Tumaco
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Coime García, María Deifa; Quiñones Prado, Angélica; Méndez, Inés Elisa
    This project originates from the need to solve a problem of pedagogical character, such as the difficulty in coexistence between two groups of students of the Santa Teresita educational institution, 4.01 and 4.02, since they were presenting aggressive attitudes as the only way to solve the conflicts typical of the school stage. This work is structured in eleven chapters, from the approach of the problem, until the proposal. This proposal is based on the implementation of recreational activities, as a pedagogical tool, which allows to improve the coexistence process and with it, contribute to the formation integral of the students. With leisure and recreational activities, as an important moment in the learning process, students are able to improve relationships interpersonal, the game, is the most deeply rooted recreational practice in the education, its presence is evident in the work methodologies focused on in the game, especially in the first grades of education; Well, the teacher has as a fundamental element for the improvement of relations interpersonal relationships the practice of playful activities, which in addition to promoting healthy coexistence, makes the learning process more dynamic
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    La ecología fuente de recreación que le facilita a los estudiantes una mayor conciencia para la conservación ambiental en los grados sextos de la institución educativa rural la sierra
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Doria Fuentes, Francisco; Torres Medina, John Jairo; Rodríguez, Leonardo Emir
    The students of the sixth grades of the Rural Educational Institution the Sierra, from the corregimiento la Sierra of the Municipality of Puerto Nare, present a great difficulty with respect to environmental awareness and ecological values, This is constantly reflected in the lack of environmental practices that daily we see within our institution, not only by our students, but also by the educational community in general, such as: the constant throwing of garbage on the floor, shouting and whistling without consideration for no reason some; deterioration of the walls; not taking care of the river, among others. The present work allowed the use of different waste material such as paper, bags, lids and others to carry out manual work with the aim of reducing this problem in our institution. There were the students of the sixth young people with little ecological awareness but, at the same time, quite receptive and ready to collaborate with the planned activities.
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    Estrategia pedagógica para el manejo de residuos sólidos de la institución educativa Leocadio Salazar del municipio de Ulloa para mejorar los ambientes de recreo
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Aguirre, Rolando; Marín Bedoya, Francy Milena; León Larrota, Miguel Angel; Gómez Escobar, Jorge Hernán
    At the Leocadio Salazar Educational Institution, located in the municipality of Ulloa, in the north of the Valle department; has been detected among the members of the educational community, that in general, there is no culture of life around the environmental principles This is evident in the actions observed in most of the people from the community: There is no proper management of solid waste that are generated within the Institution and for this reason it is intended to structure a project that inculcates appropriate environmental practices, so that the students, teachers and parents, establish a more appropriate, firstly with the spaces of the Institution and secondly, with its natural environment. The creation and adaptation of spaces for the accumulation, classification and separation of solid waste, along with training on the management of themselves, will be the bases that support the research proposal. This work will be carried out in conjunction with the environment committee and the coexistence, to motivate and carry out joint actions that involve the entire educational community, for the well-being of students and the environment.
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    Desarrollo de estrategias lúdico-pedagógicas para fortalecer el proceso escritor y la conservación del ambiente escolar de los estudiantes del grado 6º de la institución educativa nuestra Señora del Carmen
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Mercado, Yolima Esther; Vargas Arteaga, Oscar; Lopez Escobar, Marlodis; Dáger, Josefa Rubio; 2015
    This proposal consists of a work of awareness to the educational community of the Institution Nuestra Señora del Carmen, located in the municipality of Valencia, Córdoba, to seek that the community changes its aptitude with respect to the care of the environment, to use it to strengthen reading and writing skills and processes, so important in the personal development of students and people in general The educational community accuses the lack of a sense of belonging, ignorance and lack of resources, for the care of the environment, therefore it wants to give tools to the educational community of the institution, so that these are the ones that proliferate this knowledge, being benefited directly students, professors and administrative and indirectly the parents of family and community in general. In addition, the lack of motivation to read and write has become a starting point to integrate reading and writing with care for the environment and nature. The investigative exercise focuses on two major processes. In the first, an extensive review of the literature on environmental education and pollution on the planet was carried out. In addition, the investigative background on the implementation of innovative tools that allow us to conserve our environment, respect and care for nature. The investigations that were taken as reference to strengthen this proposal are indicated. The second process was developed by way of execution and implementation of the proposal as such, each activity carried out to achieve the stated objectives is described. Those responsible are also designated and the results obtained are shown.
  • Ítem
    Proyecto de recuperación y conservación de las cuevas del municipio San Antonio de Palmito, Sucre).
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Monterosa Baleta, Ibeth; Bermudez Charry, Sandra; Salcedo Tirado, Julio; Talaigua Suarez, Nesly; Vergara Parra, Marcial; Rojas Páez, Estela
    It is a project that aims to improve the recovery, conservation of the environment atmosphere of the inhabitants of the San Antonio neighborhood and the community in general. The research is of the action type, its general objective is: to build a project pedagogical-ecological-recreational that allows the recovery, conservation of the tourist site the caves of the municipality san Antonio de palmito integrating the San Antonio neighborhood community. It is concluded that when communities organize themselves to work on the solution of common problems, the worked.