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- ÍtemBuenas prácticas para el desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de inventarios en los laboratorios de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores.(2024-10) Mesa Barrio, Valeria; Romero Duque, Gustavo AndrésEl presente documento abordó el desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de inventarios para la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, enfocándose en la implementación de buenas prácticas que optimicen la gestión y control de los recursos materiales. Este sistema tuvo como objetivo principal mejorar la eficiencia operativa mediante la automatización de procesos y la integración de herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas en la industria. Este proyecto de grado se basó en un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo que incluyó la recopilación de datos a través de inventarios. Se destacó la importancia de contar con un inventario bien gestionado para reducir costos, evitar la obsolescencia de los materiales como pueden ser los perecederos y asegurar la disponibilidad de recursos para el periodo académico. El desarrollo del sistema de gestión de inventarios se fundamentó en la aplicación de principios de la teoría de inventarios y la implementación de un software de gestión que permite el seguimiento en tiempo real de los niveles de inventario. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron una mejora significativa en la precisión de los registros de inventario y una reducción en los tiempos de respuesta para la reposición de materiales. De esta manera, se observó una disminución de costos y tiempos asociados a la gestión de inventarios. Finalmente, se presentaron recomendaciones para la continuidad y sostenibilidad del sistema implementado, incluyendo actualización periódica del software utilizado y realización de auditorías internas para garantizar el cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas.
- ÍtemPropuesta de automatización en la toma de tiempos de un proceso de recolección y distribución de piezas de corte de prendas en confección a través de Fischertechnik y Arduino(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Camacho Archila, Andrea del Pilar; Carrillo Álvarez, Víctor ManuelThe textile cutting process is made up of three large operations called laying, cutting and picking. Currently, both laying and collection have been carried out in an automated manner, however, the collection process is only carried out manually. For this reason, it is important to make a proposal to automate the collection operation that allows reducing the duration of the process, by reducing the variability of the collection operation. To this end, three prototypes were developed as a model of the laying, cutting and picking operations using the Fischertechnik modular system and were programmed using the Robopro software. The results that were generated in the process of Modeling shows that the best option to automate the picking process can be done with the use of suction cups, where it is possible to keep the cut blocks organized, in relation to what was observed with the use of oscillating clamps, because the clamps present problems with grip. of parts and with the stability of programming.
- ÍtemPropuesta de un sistema de gestión de activos en escenarios de aprendizaje bajo la norma NTC ISO 55001 para la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Romero Guerrero, Steven Javier; Ballesteros Ballesteros, VladimirThis degree project aims to develop a proposal for the implementation of an asset management system, based on the guidelines set out in the NTC ISO 55001. The execution of this exercise aims to apply these guidelines to a real context such as the Learning Scenarios of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Asset management begins with the identification and evaluation of the institution's assets, which allows determining their strategic importance and establishing their maintenance and replacement requirements. This information is used to develop short and medium-term asset management, including maintenance and asset acquisition plans, as well as risk mitigation. This in turn involves the continuous control and monitoring of assets to ensure their integrity, reliability and availability. integrity, reliability and availability. In this case, more than 4,000 assets were identified and classified according to their condition in order to have a better control of these assets, with all this information it is possible to make more effective decisions regarding the handling, incorporation and disincorporation of assets necessary for the institution.
- ÍtemMejora para el proceso de costura tapete en vinilo para camiones(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Castro Bello, Joa Alexander; León Agatón, AdolfoThe different processes and procedures that are carried out in different jobs were analyzed in order to establish the needs of their processes. It is very important for the employees to understand the logical sequences of the procedures because the good performance of the work and the success of the processes will depend on this.
- ÍtemEstudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la sublimación-estampado en la ciudad de Bogotá(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Olaya Rodriguez, Juan Pablo; Romero Duque, Gustavo AndrésThe customization of objects is an important part for people who want to make known their tastes or preferences in the form of images or phrases, as well as for today's companies that want to make their brand known, and their visibility in the market depends on it, therefore the design and manufacturing process should be the heart of the business as referred to by the Femxa group (Femxa, 2014)1 . In this project, the company Idee Design focuses its business on consulting, designs and customization of objects. This degree work gathers the study of different sources related to graphic arts focused on sublimation and other techniques in Colombia and carried out in the city of Bogota. Throughout this project opportunities, studies and analysis of sectors, financial and feasibility for the creation of a sublimation company are identified, taking into account and as a basis the current market conditions of the sector, the relationship with the development and application of new techniques and technologies for production procedures.