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- ÍtemTratamiento jurídico de la gestación subrogada en Colombia (1998- 2023) una propuesta para su regulación.(2024-04) Barrera Ariza, David Alejandro; Nova Buitrago, Laura Camila; Arévalo Mutiz, Paula LucíaLa gestación subrogada en Colombia es un contrato atípico, donde una persona gestante se obliga a gestar y dar a luz un menor, con la finalidad de darlo a unos aspirantes a padres una vez nazca. Este menor, no debe compartir material genético con la persona gestante por reglas establecidas por la doctrina constitucional nacional, en virtud de que la gestación subrogada debe ser completa. En Colombia, la gestación subrogada, trae consigo varios vacíos por ausencia de legislación. Sin embargo, en atención del artículo 42 constitucional, esta práctica se encuentra legitimada por vía constitucional, al permitir la conformación de una familia por medio de asistencia científica, no obstante, dicha práctica, ha acarreado una serie de dificultades como: las disputas entre las partes a saber: la mujer gestante y los aspirantes a padres, la vulneración de derechos y principios como el interés superior de niño, niña y adolescente en materia legislativa. El presente trabajo, ser realiza bajo un enfoque cualitativo de corte documental en el cual se analizaron las siguientes unidades de análisis: primero, documentos que describen los modelos de regulación de gestación subrogada en el mundo, segundo, la doctrina constitucional colombiana y sus reglas jurisprudenciales aplicables, tercero, (18) proyectos de ley tramitados ante el Congreso; a partir de esta información se logra identificar los modelos de regulación en el mundo sobre gestación subrogada y el uso disímil de sus acepciones, el tratamiento jurídico hecho por la doctrina constitucional colombiana que permite reconocer algunos derechos conculcados y por último, el recorrido legislativo en la materia, a través de fallidos proyectos de ley, que permiten identificar elementos medulares para realizar una propuesta con los mínimos elementos legislativos que deberían observarse por el legislador.
- ÍtemReparación Integral en Victimas Transexuales del Conflicto Armado Colombiano(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Ayala Ávila, Érika Julieth; Garzón Zuluaga, Andrea LilianaOver the years, Colombia's armed conflict and its rights restitution procedures have left many legislative loopholes that have of rights have left many legislative loopholes that have allowed unequal procedures for the application of comprehensive unequal procedures for the application of comprehensive reparations to victims with diverse identities. For this reason, a bibliographic study was carried out in order to clarify the main norms and mechanisms for the restitution of the rights of victims with diverse identities. and mechanisms for the restitution of the rights of transgender victims and the LGBTI population, contrasting them with different LGBTI population, contrasting them with different accounts of the victims. This exercise made it possible to identify the main challenges to the system of reparation of rights at the national level, exposing the existing gaps in this area.
- ÍtemCOVID– 19. Derecho a la Salud de las personas privadas de la libertad(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Rivera Saavedra, Erika Yineth; Bermúdez Bermúdez, Yonni AlbeiroThis investigation is aimed at demonstrating that prisons and prisons in Colombia do not guarantee the fundamental rights of people who are deprived of liberty. The focus will be specifically in relation to the right to health enjoyed by all people, protected by article 49 of the Political Constitution of Colombia. For the specific case, the Metropolitan Prison and Penitentiary Complex of Bogotá "COMEB - La Picota" will be analyzed as one of the most important and representative of the national territory. Structural aspects of the center, shelter capacity, administrative, technical, logistical features and State intervention in the management of health and biosafety standards for the control and management of the recent Covid-19 pandemic will be analyzed. These factors will guide the present investigation of degree work towards the ineluctable conclusion that the existing shortcomings in the Metropolitan Prison and Penitentiary Complex of Bogotá "COMEB - La Picota", regarding public policies, are insufficient to guarantee the fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty, specifically the right to health
- ÍtemPaz visible - Asesorías legales integrales y virtuales S.A.S(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Pérez Pérez, Jorge; Camargo Rodriguez, Mery; Silva Morantes, José TomasThis project will study the creation of a company of private capital, incorporated as a Public Limited Company Simplified, which aims to advise and representation in procedures in the different areas of the right for the victims of the Colombian armed conflict. Saying counseling is supported by a digital platform that will have as a function to link the legal offices of the different universities with law schools in the country with the victims, end users, try a comprehensive service, which does not ends with a counseling, but may be continued by professional legal lawyers, in each of the communities where the platform is installed at the level national.
- ÍtemDerechos sexuales y reproductivos en mujeres del conflicto armado colombiano(Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Romero Rojas, Tania; Mejia Merchancano, Natalia Nayibe; Forero Castillo, Nancy AndreaThe present work aims to analyze sentences to create a jurisprudential line, however, the fundamental issue for the creation of this jurisprudential line is the sexual and reproductive rights of women inside and outside the armed conflict in Colombia. To achieve the end of this research, this work will be divided into three sections, where in the first part, a generality will be found regarding what the sexual and reproductive rights of women are. In the second section, through the mention of some readers who have spoken of the armed conflict in Colombia, we will try to focus the reader on the context, on the scene of the Colombian armed conflict and finally, through The mention of Law 1448 of 2011 will explain what characteristics are necessary for a person to be considered a victim of the armed conflict, this is how through the outcome of sentences, the reader will understand the scenario and then understand the breakdown of sentences that will create the final line of jurisprudence. The reader, in the end, will understand the position of the Constitutional Court and thus understand the development of sexual and reproductive conflicts.