Administración de Empresas a Distancia

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  • Ítem
    Estrategia lúdica para prevenir el sedentarismo en los estudiantes del grado Séptimo-01 del colegio San Antonio de la ciudad de Valledupar- Cesar.
    (2024-03) Ospina Arias , Luis Hernán; Naranjo Espejo, Luzmila Andrea; Ovalle Orozco, Carlos Andrés; Daza Piragauta, Javier
    En esta actividad “Estrategia lúdica para prevenir el sedentarismo en los estudiantes del grado Séptimo-01 del colegio San Antonio de la ciudad de Valledupar- Cesar.” presenta una propuesta de intervención orientada hacia la aplicación de ejercicios lúdico – recreativos, como estrategias para mejorar los hábitos saludables en actividad física. Esta propuesta fue desarrollada partiendo de la sensibilización para que los estudiantes tomaran conciencia de la dificultad que están presentando o pueden presentar en un futuro en cuanto a la falta de implementación de hábitos saludables y ejercicios físicos que ayuden a fortalecer tanto en lo físico como en lo psicológico. Este proyecto tiene como alcance impactar a los estudiantes del grado séptimo-01 del colegio San Antonio, por lo tanto, se implementará como estrategia para llegar con mayor facilidad a estos jóvenes un juego llamado “La Ruleta” en la cual se encontrarán diversos ejercicios lúdicos – recreativos que exigen un desgaste físico con el fin de acondicionar el estado físico y anímico de los estudiantes y de esta manera empezar a inculcar hábitos saludables para prevenir el sedentarismo. Igualmente, este trabajo busca promover la integración entre las personas que ejecutaran las actividades a desarrollar, motivándolos a trabajar en equipo y a resolver problemas, situaciones y dificultades que trae consigo la ejecución de las actividades. Dentro de estas acciones a ejecutar se planificaron ejercicios muy sencillos de realizar, entre ellos: Flexiones de brazos, rotación de caderas, saltos cielo tierra, estocadas, abdominales, entre otros. Ejercicios conocidos y de fácil adaptación para facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje y poder obtener el objetivo deseado el cual es el de prevenir el sedentarismo en esta comunidad que lo necesita con urgencia.
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    Diagnóstico estratégico al Hotel AIXO Suites
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Cartagena., ) Yepez De Oro, Diana Carolina; Diaz Carmona, Yulaidis Margarita; Ospino Maza, Diana Patricia; Margarita Piña, Edna
    The Covid 19 pandemic affected all sectors of the economy, especially world tourism and Cartagena was no exception, the city experienced a significant decrease in the number of tourists who came to visit it, which had a negative impact on the economy. local, leading to the closure of many hotels, restaurants, recreational centers, travel agencies and other companies that made up the sector. The Aixo Suites Hotel was no exception. It is a 3-star hotel, located in the city of Cartagena in the Marbella neighborhood, facing the sea. In order to cope with the situation, it had to rethink its operation and reinvent itself after the pandemic. In this research work, all the processes that the Hotel Aixo Suites went through from its beginnings to the present day will be detailed; the processes and actions that were executed, the times and the necessary measures that were taken to recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic. As well as the affectation generated by the unification of all the hotels that make up the chain to which it belongs, in the same reservation center operating from a single place. A strategic analysis is carried out, taking into account the macro and micro environment, applying the EFE, EFI, MPC, DIAMANTE DE PORTER, PEEA matrices, which allowed us to know the current state of the hotel and from this, propose the necessary strategies to achieve a greater positioning in the market and, therefore, better profitability and preference within the city.
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    Plan Estratégico Para Incrementar Las Ventas En La Empresa Kokoriko De Villavicencio
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Prada Medina, Leidy Joaquina; Bustos Losada., Mireya
    With the realization of the strategic plan it is sought to increase sales, promoting actions of habits among its collaborators and the establishment of competitive rules, which lead to greater and better labor management, more dynamic and harmonious, and therefore more productive and competitive. Having in account, the participation of all its members and assertive communication and proactive, generating organizational synergy internally. This process involves gathering sales efforts around the source of knowledge to apply it constantly. Therefore, the sales force is a command that requires care and weakens when products are not offered and quality services. In that order of ideas, when the moments of truth are not handled well, the service quality returns to mediocrity. The applied methodology was descriptive and a survey was applied to its collaborators; with the purpose of identifying the sales strategies that is currently executing, to subsequently offer necessary corrective measures leading to continuous improvement in service qualit
  • Ítem
    Cosechando la lectura y la escritura a partir de materiales de desecho en la i.e.d. armando estrada florez zona bananera
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Martinez, Betty Cecilia; Perea De Hernandez, Rosario Delia; Orellanos Perea, Eusebia Isabel; Nieto Díaz, Jorge Adolfo
    Taking the garbage or waste (old notebooks), such as materials that arise from human and animal activities and that are discarded, in the institution who presented a very low reuse habit, which generated a need and a concern arose, which led us to investigate and propose solutions, which generate in the students in a certain way a habit of reuse, recycling and environmental hygiene and that in this way a school community will be built with great values ​​and respect for the environment, ecological, environmental and especially cultural.
  • Ítem
    Evaluación interna de la gestión de los componentes estratégicos de la cooperativa de trabajo asociado “serviactiva” sede villavicencio – meta
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Bonilla Castro, Nohora Milena; Correa García, María Angélica; Pereira Duran, Daniel; Hernández de Hadechny, Yolanda
    Cooperativism in Colombia has been growing gradually as a form of business that seeks to maintain the associativity of people in order to seek improving their quality of life through the development of organizations efficient in their processes and activities, which is achieved through the application of strategic actions focused on achieving positive results for clients internal and external. Therefore, the strategic planning applied in the administrative management of the various types of cooperatives such as Associated Work, has become an essential tool to direct the effort of human resources towards the achievement of the business mission and vision, as a source to achieve the development and organizational growth, without neglecting its primary purposes as are to be non-profit entities that contribute to the well-being of their direct contributors who provide their work capacity for development of economic, professional or intellectual activities, in order to produce in common goods, execute works or provide services to satisfy the needs of its associates and the community in general. To achieve this, administrative management needs to be more effective and efficient in the management of technological resources, human technicians and in order to achieve positive results in the development of the corporate purpose, Therefore, strategic planning is vital since it "indicates the actions to undertake, to achieve the ends taking into account the competitive position and forecasts and hypotheses about the future”1 that allow you to achieve solidarity objectives and therefore organizational growth.