Licenciatura en Educación Especial

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  • Ítem
    El Trastorno del Espectro Autista y los Imaginarios de la Comunidad Educativa
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Cuetia Avellaneda, Luisa Fernanda; Rodríguez García, Yilian Marcela; Cardenas Jaimes, Shirley
    The research project entitled The Autism Disorder Spectrum and the imaginaries of the community educational, is carried out at the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela school located in the town of Los Martirez, Its main objective is to determine how the district educational institution perceives students. eleventh grade student with ASD and how it impacts inclusion processes. This research recognizes as a fundamental role the full exercise of all the people and factors that surround the students of the institution, especially those in grade eleven with Autism, who generate spaces of learning respecting the right to education without exceptions and ensuring that each student with ASD be an actively participating subject in the community, in addition; together with the current regulations that protect and defends the rights of people who are in inclusion processes, we appropriate elements that are visible guarantors to recognize this population as subjects of rights from the recognition of their capacities and particularities that strengthen and help the generation of new ways of being and being in the contexts.
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    Autodeterminación en personas con discapacidad intelectual del programa amigos sin fronteras del municipio de Tocancipá “aportes para mejorar la calidad de vida”
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Ballen Prieto, Yeimi Carolina; Charry Cubillos, Liliana Edelmira; Morera Arévalo, William Henry
    The pedagogical research project proposes a guide for parents of people with intellectual disabilities, from the municipality of Tocancipà, this being a tool for training in the components of self-determination and thus improve the quality of life. This research made it possible to identify and describe the lack of training patterns for self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities of the Amigos sin Fronteras program of the municipality of Tocancipa, through information gathering techniques such as the semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. Important aspects are obtained to propose a guide with pedagogical training strategies for the self-determination addressed to parents. During the process there were some difficulties due to the time of the parents to carry out the interviews and for the attention dynamics established by the Amigos sin borders; however, it is possible to meet the proposed objectives within an exercise of very enriching research since fundamental aspects are addressed in the training for self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities, resulting in the construction of the self-determination guidance guide for parents as response to this one of the pedagogical commitments in the role of special educators.
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    Ítems pedagógicos que atienden a las particularidades del autismo
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Jiménez Albarracín, Allison; Duarte Villarraga, Valentina; Fonseca Rodríguez, Karen Milena; García Cano, Lupe
    The constant search for pedagogical items aimed at students with Autism are one of the main tasks of teachers in order to favor the process of inclusion of kids. The following investigation focuses on favoring the participation of a case of autism of 10 years of first grade of Manuel Cepeda Vargas School in different scenarios educational, designing pedagogical items for teachers that from the behavioral part, sensory and learning environment support in the design of curricula and scenarios educational programs in which their students with Autism participate. This project has a qualitative approach accompanied by a type of case study research, where instruments were used for data collection such as the interview, the survey and the participant observation record where it was verified in a way interdisciplinary from special education and early childhood education all the information of character behavioral, sensory and learning environment evidenced in the case study and the educational scenarios in which he participates.
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    Análisis de la percepción de habilidades sociales de un estudiante de grado sexto con síndrome de asperger
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Páez Rozo, Laura Camila; González, Samy Mayerly; García Cano, Lupe
    The project entitled Analysis of Perceptions of Social Skills is consolidated as exploratory research with a qualitative approach, through which it seeks to contribute to teacher training, considering the need to make teaching practices an education for all based on the framework of principles and comprehensiveness. Students with characteristics framed in differential education enter schools, as evidenced throughout the document, in this scenario it is usual to find situations in which a student with Asperger's Syndrome is excluded by his classmates due to his own characteristics and must endure actions such as bad looks, teasing, being ignored, among others. The research takes these behaviors as a reference to show the problem of exclusion in the classroom, through observation and questionnaires, the reality that this population is going through is evidenced. For example, when the student is part of a group activity, the others express themselves bodily indicating that they do not like their participation (they show displeasure), thus generating little or almost no participation in activities. From this context, strategies are proposed to strengthen the social skills of all students, emphasizing the student with Asperger's, to improve coexistence in the classroom and encourage inclusion in the teaching and learning process.
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    Habilidades Lectoescritoras Para Personas Con Discapacidad Intelectual
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Cadena Castellanos, Claudia Carolina; Niño Murcia, Olga Soledad
    The exercise of this research is oriented towards the need to strengthen reading and writing skills in people with ID intellectual disabilities, serving them from their needs, tastes and interests through a virtual model, with the purpose of acquiring knowledge in a complex moment. for humanity, providing supports and from the perspective of rights. Due to the above, the document presents some teaching strategies that facilitate the process and strengthen reading and writing skills; which materializes in the "Proposal step by step" proposal that integrates virtual strategies, with an inclusive look. It is expected that the research exercise will serve as a tool for teachers with students with ID, who require differential and inclusive attention, guaranteeing the achievement of objectives in reading and writing. The proposal arises in times of pandemic as a selfless action by teachers in training, offering virtual classes and interacting with students and their families to support learning processes, autonomy and regulation, but oriented in this work towards reading skills. and writing.