Especialización Pedagogía de la Lúdica

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    Intervención pedagógica para la motivación al disfrute de la lectura de los estudiantes de quinto grado del Colegio Santo Ángel - Norte de Santander
    (2023-12) Contreras Arévalo, Jhon Anderson; Córdoba, Martha Nayive; González Ibarra, Stephany; Navarro González, Víctor Manuel; Núñez Carpio, Daniela; Villar Lara, Robert Ariel
    This research project focuses on the objective of promoting the enjoyment of reading through playful and creative tools in the 5th grade of the Santo Ángel school located in the district of Guamalito, Department of Norte de Santander; The initial approach arises from the problem of low motivation for reading. For this, the contribution of some authors who handle the topic and are highlighted in the work is made, in order to align the search for the proposal to intervene.Finalmente se implementó y se analizó su impacto a través de la estrategia del diario de campo, a partir de ahí se ejecutó un proceso mixto de análisis de datos e involucramiento en contexto; Para ello se investigó a los estudiantes de la especialización en pedagogía del ocio que realizaron sus estudios de posgrado de manera virtual en el contexto histórico de la pospandemia, por lo que luego de la pandemia de COVID-19 que vive la humanidad a partir del año 2020, La dinámica de vida de los seres humanos se modificó, por lo tanto sus causas y efectos no fueron los mismos en todo el territorio nacional e internacional. La evidencia científica nos muestra el aumento de trastornos psicológicos como TDAH, ansiedad, depresión, trastornos del sueño, exceso de estrés, dificultad para crear hábitos de vida saludables, generando un cambio profundo en nuestra vida social, en las formas de relacionarnos con nosotros mismos y con el entorno. , la desmotivación junto con grandes desafíos a nivel educativo, para tener un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje efectivo y cómo estos efectos se despliegan desde las condiciones contextuales y paralizantes del desarrollo.
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    Uso, apropiación y estrategias que vinculen la educación física en docentes multigrado en la Institución Educativa Municipal Rural Luis Eduardo Gutiérrez Méndez
    (2023) Castillo Bautista, Edwards Joaquín Fernando; Prieto Molina, Yenny Andrea
    The research project proposes to provide tools through traditional and adapted games, which allow the teachers of the Luis Eduardo Gutiérrez Méndez Municipal Educational Institution, in the multigrade strategy, to make use of these for the teaching of physical education, recreation and sports. having a variety of possibilities when applying the proposed dynamics
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    Como implementar un programa que promueva el bienestar psicosocial en postpandemia en sus estudiantes de posgrado de la especialización en la lúdica de la Fundacion Universitaria Los Libertadores
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Sabogal Velásquez, Yineth Johana; Nontien Nariño, Sara Sofía
    This writing is an intervention project, which was carried out from the identification of a need, to know the psychosocial status of the graduate students of the Los Libertadores University Foundation and from there recognize the current conditions of the population through a closed survey, after tabulating said data, design workshops synchronous and asynchronous activities through the use of TACS tools (Learning and Knowledge Technologies) that allow participants to develop life skills in order to enhance personal development. Finally, it was implemented and its impact was analyzed through the field diary strategy, from there a mixed process of data analysis and involvement in context was executed; For this purpose, the students of the leisure pedagogy specialization who completed their postgraduate studies virtually in the historical context of the post-pandemic were investigated, so after the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by humanity starting in 2020, the The life dynamics of human beings were modified, therefore their causes and effects were not the same throughout the national and international territory. Scientific evidence shows us the increase in psychological disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, excess stress, difficulty in creating healthy lifestyle habits, generating a profound change in our social life, in the ways of relating with ourselves and with the environment, demotivation along with great challenges at the educational level, in order to have an effective teaching-learning process and how these effects are deployed from the contextual conditions and paralyzing development
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    Estrategia para el Desarrollo de la Participación Crítica y Analítica en Clase a través de la Aplicación WhatsApp
    (2023) Garrido Pinilla, Carmelina; Maturana Cordoba, Maria Ernestina; Lozano Florez, Yeny Paola; Lara Guzmán, Yudy Shirley
    Participation is one of the most important aspects in the classroom. In it educational context expresses that the student has analyzed and acquired knowledge. Without However, the participatory process has decreased drastically due to factors such as; the cell phone, the laziness, poor time management, fear and demotivation. Likewise, it has prevented a fluid, dynamic, constant and significant learning due to the silence of the students in the academic processes. On the other hand, the superficiality of investigating, analyzing and criticizing has increased due to lack of strategies that motivate this process. In this course of ideas, this article presents a research proposal to find out if the use of WhatsApp improves the participation processes in the development of classes, at the Dante Educational Institution Alighieri. Based on the above, this article seeks to examine the possible factors that prevent the process of active participation. Likewise, this proposal aims to implement the WhatsApp as a strategy to encourage and increase participation in classrooms, such as explore the advantages of using it at the Dante Alighieri educational institution with students ninth grade. On the other hand, this research aims to contribute significantly to students as well as people who are educated with this proposal in order to increase participation through the formulation of feasible recommendations that motivate and promote comments, proposals and deep analysis on a topic. To achieve the above ideas, student researchers review the literature to expand what the research aims to do, propose the methodology to approach the analysis and formulate the objectives that will guide its development. Similarly, researchers present a justification that explains the reason for the investigation and propose a problem statement that provides more information about the need to investigate the low student participation in class. This study is essential to determine the impact positive or negative of the use of WhatsApp as a pedagogical strategy
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    Estrategia metodológica el Kamishibai para fomentar la Comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del grado tercero de la I.E.R José Antonio Galán sede El Jordán del municipio del Cartagena del Chaira Inspección Remolino del Caguán
    (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Sede Bogotá., ) Ávila Barreto, Sara Patricia; Jurado Ortega, Armin Esperanza; Gómez Reyes, Mercy Yisela; García Sánchez, Jair Leny; Daza Piragauta, Javier
    The adaptation of the kamishibai as a pedagogical didactic strategy arises as a methodology to contribute to improve the reading comprehension processes of students who present reading deficiencies, in the Rural Educational Institution José Antonio Galán Sede El Jordán, of the Inspectorate of Remolino del Bajo Caguán, of the Municipality of Cartagena del Chairá, Department of Caquetá, reading comprehension is one of the most important skills to develop in the different levels of academic training, The proposal is based on the reading of visual texts as an element that seeks to improve the habit of reading, through the kamishibai technique that helps to generate a meaningful experience in the classroom, when talking about reading comprehension we refer to a supremely complex process involving various factors associated with the reader, the text and the context, it is from this implementation and workshops where the reading of images, i.e. the visual text that make up in greater proportion the didactic, the student begins to make a process of reconstruction of the overall meaning of the text. It is of great importance to take into account that the way the kamishibai is conceived (sequences) helps to generate an association of the image with the story, originating a modification of these structures in order to enrich them with respect to the proposed themes and help the understanding of the texts used for each activity; Taking into account a minimum of information, necessary to communicate in a precise way the contents and scope of the project of novel intervention that will bet on creativity and personal initiative, in order to bring the children of elementary basic education of the third grade closer to the literary world of stories, using as a means of achievement the narrative technique of Kamishibai. To conclude, an educational proposal was elaborated to promote the reading habit in an artistic, playful and meaningful way.